The Tuckshop (Snack Attack) operates four days a week (Tuesday to Friday). On Monday it is open early for a free breakfast kindly donated by our local Baptist Church. Breakfast is available from 8:05am-8:30am all students are welcome to participate.
The Snack Attack and Uniform Shop operates using an electronic ordering system called "Munch Monitor". For successful ordering, a Munch Monitor account needs to be established for your child.
It’s very easy to set up and use, it puts more control into the hands of the parents and reduces the amount of cash students bring to school. For online Tuckshop orders through Munch Monitors there is no additional charge for the paper bag so if you order regularly you will recover the small $4.65 per term fee for the service from this savings.
Munch monitor initial sign-on username = redlandbay, password = munch4165. Orders must be placed by 8:45am on the day you are having Tuckshop.
The Menu
The Redland Bay State School P&C Tuckshop offers low cost, healthy meal and snack options to the Students, Staff and Teachers of our school.
The menu is in line with the Education Queensland Smart Choices Policy and provides a number of different food and drink options that align to the Green and Amber healthy food standards under this policy.
Every 6 months the menu is reviewed by the Tuckshop Team and recommendations are presented to the P&C Committee (the parent representative body) for review at following monthly general meeting.
Tuckshop Volunteering
Our Tuckshop is run on a breakeven basis. Each year we balance the costs of running the Tuckshop with the menu prices with a view to breaking even. This works due to our wonderful volunteers who give up their time to staff the Tuckshop, which ensures the limited wages we do pay are kept to a minimum.
If you would like to volunteer in our Tuckshop please contact our Convenor on 0418721238. Alternatively you can email and we will pass on the message.