The students of Redland Bay State School are growing to be successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. To achieve this they are developing these skills:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Information and communication technology (ICT) capability
- Critical and creative thinking
- Personal and social capability
- Ethical understanding
- Intercultural understanding.
Our teachers work in year level teams to ensure a consistent curriculum and expectations throughout and between each year level.
Redland Bay State School uses the Australian Curriculum and the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (QCARF) as our curriculum.
We currently teach and report on 8 different subjects:
English |
Health & Physical Education |
Mathematics |
The Arts (visual arts, dance, drama, music) |
Technology |
Humanities and Social Sciences (History & Geography) |
Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
Japanese for Years 5 & 6 |
Our priority is the development of literacy and numeracy skills.
At RBSS we have created a literacy squad to support classroom teachers develop the reading skills of their students. The squad, made up of 1 teacher and 2 teacher aides, support classroom teachers by providing intensive reading instruction at the level of each student. We use the Reciprocal Teaching and Question Answer Relationship reading programs to develop reading comprehension.
The RBSS writing program has been designed to develop specific writing skills each term. Each student is assessed on their writing skills and learning pathways are designed to strengthen their writing ability. We also use the Seven Steps to Writing Success program to develop our students' ability to cater for and engage their audience.
The focus this year is mental computation (P - 6) and problem solving (3 - 6). Teachers use the QuickSmart program to develop and strengthen the students’ ability to apply their mathematical skills.
Assessment and Reporting
We use a variety of standardised and diagnostic assessments to identify the specific needs of each student. Teachers use this information to develop a curriculum that caters for these differences. Students are also assessed throughout and at the end of each unit of work to determine their overall understanding of the concepts.