
Our school


​Welcome to our schools website. I hope that you will find the information useful. I encourage you to explore all areas of the website, and to use the links which have been provided. 

Our school’s goal is to develop confident, capable, positive and independent young people. 

Many people in our school community, in particular teachers, support staff and parents are working together to achieve this goal. Many programs and activities have been established so that each student has the best possible opportunity to maximise his or her learning, and develop social competence. Details of many of the programs and activities are provided within our website.

We have high expectations of our students and of ourselves, and in working towards our goal we also seek to develop our students as Lifelong Learners. We hold a strong belief that we will achieve our goal more effectively by developing productive partnerships with parents and the broader community.

It is our hope that every parent will join with us in learning for life, together leading us to be Better by Learning.

Over the next 3 years our focus is to develop a learning environment that educates our students for their future.  To achieve this we have 5 key aims:

  1. High quality teaching with a focus on data: Our teaching and learning and data committees work together to collect and analyse data, then use this information to design curriculum programs that cater for the needs of all our students.

  2. Safe and respectful learning environments: The behaviour management committee has developed a very successful program which focuses on developing positive behaviours to improve learning. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour, especially in relation to their learning.

  3. High engagement and high expectations: Programs such as our special education, learning support and gifted and talented are designed to provide personalised learning for all the students in our school. The students are made aware of our high expectations and are encouraged to monitor their progress against these expectations.

  4. 21st century learning: Increasing the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process is a focus for the next 3 years.  Students will be taught the ethical protocols and practices of using ICT; and how to manage and operate different ICT tools. Through these processes students will investigate, create and communicate with ICT.

  5. Professional learning community: We value life-long learning and promote this through the inclusion of aspirational leadership programs, parent forums and the Performance Development Framework.

Over the period of this triennium, we will outline, within our website, specific programs and activities which we have undertaken as we move towards achieving each of these priorities.

Our school has a long and proud history of serving Redland Bay. Since our establishment in 1881, hundreds of Redland Bay families have enrolled their children at the school.

There are some families whose currently-enrolled children represent the fifth generation of their family which has attended our school. We celebrate the local history and our school history, and ensure that our students are aware of it through our school programs.

Many parents have expressed the view that we retain a ‘country school feel’, and we strive to maintain productive links with our local community. We have a particular interest in the Redland Bay environment, and both parents and students play an active role in maintaining and enhancing the school environment, and the local environment.

We will maintain our endeavour to create an innovative and distinctive school which effectively serves its students, their parents, and our local community.

Please feel free to contact our school if you are seeking more information.

You can do so by emailing Alan Bunce, Principal.​​​​​

Last reviewed 20 August 2024
Last updated 20 August 2024