The Code of School Behaviour requires all members of the community to meet positive and appropriate standards of behaviour at all times.
The school will endeavour to deal with unacceptable behaviour in a supportive, constructive, fair, logical and consistent manner while ensuring individual circumstances are considered.
Behaviour Expectations
All students are expected to:
- Participate actively in the school’s education program, e.g. Be prepared, organized for and participate in all lessons
- Take responsibility for their own behaviour and learning, e.g. Know and adhere to school rules
- Demonstrate respect for themselves, other members of the school community and the school environment, e.g. Using appropriate language to students and adults at all times
- Behave in a manner that respects the rights of others, including the right to learn, e.g. Ensure the teaching of lessons is not disrupted
- Co-operate with staff and others in authority, e.g. Follow the directions of staff members
- Follow the school rules - We are Safe. We are Respectful. We are Learners
All parents/carers are expected to:
- Show an active interest in their child’s schooling and progress
- Co-operate with the school to achieve the best outcomes for their child
- Support school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students
- Initiate and maintain constructive communication and relationships with school staff regarding their child’s learning, wellbeing and behaviour
- Contribute positively to behaviour support plans that concern their child.
Schools are expected to:
- Provide safe and supportive learning environments
- Provide inclusive and engaging curriculum and teaching
- Initiate and maintain constructive communication and relationships with students and parents/carers
- Promote the skills of responsible self-management.
Possible consequences of misconduct or disregarding the Behaviour Expectations may include but not be limited to the following:
- Immediate intervention and counselling by a staff member
Timeout, setting of tasks, completion of work
- Communication with parents
Repeated disregard and /or offences may result in:
- In school withdrawal
- Loss of privileges
- Restorative action
- Temporary removal by staff of any inappropriate objects
- Suspension 1-5 days
- Suspension 6-20 days
- Behaviour Improvement Contract
- Recommendation for exclusion