Music Program
Redland Bay State School celebrates and values a strong tradition of quality music programs where every student is encouraged to find a love for music and all it has to offer.
Classroom music:
All classes from Prep to Year 6 receive a dedicated music lesson each week from a specialist teacher. These lessons focus on building a solid foundation in music skills and concepts including beat, rhythm, pitch, singing, movement, listening, musical literacy, creating and playing. All students are encouraged to participate in other musical activities offered at the school such as guitar club, choir and the Instrumental programs – Band and Strings.
The choirs are open to any student in the school. They are not audition based. Choir is an activity where students can build relationships, develop musicianship, improve performance skills, develop confidence and experience teamwork. The choirs perform on parades, community events and at our annual Performing Arts Night. Students who join choir are expected to commit to attending all rehearsals and performances. There is no cost involved to be in choir.
A special performing arts shirt can be purchased and worn for all music performances and as part of the school uniform.

Junior Choir is for Year 1 to Year 2 (Prep students may join after a discussion with the music teacher)
Rehearsals are on Tuesday mornings before school from 8am to 8:30am.
Senior Choir is for Years 3-6
Rehearsals are on Monday mornings from 7:50am to 8:30am
Instrumental Music Programs
Education Queensland offer Instrumental Music Programs in our school consisting of a Strings Program and Concert Band Program.
The aims of the program are to provide the opportunity for students to learn a musical instrument; to provide the opportunity for students to develop their musical abilities while learning concentration, discipline, social skills (and sometimes leadership) and responsibility as members of a concert band or string orchestra; and to provide an enriching dimension to enhance the existing classroom music curriculum.
Selection of New Instrumental Students - unfortunately, due to the high demand on the limited resources available to the school, not all students who may wish to participate in this program can be accommodated. The recruitment and selection procedure aims to ensure balance in the various ensembles. Selection of new Instrumental Program participants occurs in Terms 3 and 4. To maintain a cohesive group, students are not generally started at other times during the year or at other year levels, except under special circumstances.
The following procedure is followed:
- Assessment by the Music Specialist including continuous monitoring and evaluation of the student's musical ability and performance in classroom music lessons; completion of an aural test; discussion with Classroom Teachers and Principal.
- Expression of interest given to first round of eligible students.
- Assessment by Instrumental Teachers of the child's physical suitability for his/her desired instrument.
- The first round of offers is compiled and letters sent to parents.
- Parents and children accept or decline the offer of participation in the Instrumental Music Program and a contract of commitment is signed by the student and parents.
- If places are still available a second round of offers is conducted on the same basis.
Strings Program
The Redland Bay State School program commences for students in Year 3 and requires a 4-year commitment. Tuition is offered for Violin, Viola and Cello with a Specialist Strings Teacher.
Participating students are required to attend a 30-minute group lesson during school time and a 1-hour ensemble rehearsal before school each week. Strings students are given the opportunity to perform at outside community events and eisteddfods as well as within the school program.
Wishart offers the following Strings Ensembles:
- Beginner Strings - Students in Year 3
- Senior String Ensemble - Students in Years 4, 5 and 6
Concert Band Program
The Redland Bay State School Concert Band Program commences for students in Year 4 and requires a 3-year commitment. Tuition with Specialist Instrumental teachers is offered for the following instruments:
Woodwind: Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone and Tenor Saxophone.
Brass: Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Euphonium/Baritone Horn.
Percussion: ALL Concert Band Percussion
Participating students are required to attend a 30-minute group lesson during school time and a 1-hour ensemble rehearsal before school each week. Concert Band students are given the opportunity to perform at outside community events and eisteddfods as well as within the school program.
Redland Bay State School offers the following Band Ensembles:
- Junior Band - Students in Year 4
- Senior Concert Band - Students in Years 5 and 6